Artist statement
When it comes to painting, I generally start out abstractly to let loose. I like there to be a bit of unpredictability in my abstract work. I've always believed that some sort of force was at work. That everything in life has a meaning, a purpose, and/or a reason. I like to do random things and find meaning in it. As a child, I'd lay a pencil down on these strange, abstract little drawings. I'd stare at anything that was randomly done (paint on a wall, clouds, tiles, wood grains, etc) and find what I perceived as messages from the universe. I take these childhood habits and use them as an adult by taking what seems random and abstract and showing the synchronicity of the moment. I was truly inspired when I heard Henri Cartier-Bresson's words about the "decisive moment". Waiting for everything to come together in that perfect moment and for it all to mean something. I'm allowing light to draw what it wants, giving it control, and allowing people to find their own meanings in it. Sometimes, I paint recognizable figures over the top of it, usually animals or people. I like to experiment with techniques and I often use additional tools that are not conventionally used for paintings, such as toothpicks, toothbrushes, thread, etc. I generally paint over my paintings again and again and it leads to a lot of interesting texture and history.
Kari Sutyla (a.k.a. Minxi) is a thirty-two year old artist based out of the gulf coast. She was raised in and currently resides in Pensacola, FL. She earned her Art-AA and Photography AAS in 2010 from Pensacola State College. She initially went to college for Photography and she focused on that for years. Near graduation, her eyes were opened to other areas in art and she decided to explore other mediums. She started playing with paint in 2009. Around 2013, she started working full time as an artist. Her current focus is exploring her subconscious through her acrylic paintings by exploring images that have repetitively stood out in her mind throughout her life. She also creates pen/graphite drawings and portrait photography.